Monday, June 19, 2006

So yesterday...

Me and my mother went to see the One Acts at the community college (my roommate and some other friends acted and/or wrote). Before we went we got coffee and cookies, but that really has nothing to do with what I'm writing this for. When we got out of the car at the college we went to cross the parking lot and this car came peeling in. My mom made this little yelp and half runned in front of the car. So I said "What, were you trying to lure the car away from me?"and she did a little fake scream and yelled, "Don't hit my baby!" While waving her arms around. We laughed so hard we almost didn't make it in time.
And then during one of the intermissions I noticed a friend of mine (Liz the Biz) sitting in the front row, I wanted to get her attention so I balled up a gum wrapper and went to throw it at her. But my mom grabbed my arm and in a hushed voice (hushed but still loud enough for everyone to hear her) said "That little girl is watching you!". So I turned to look and this little girl was literally a foot from me and staring at me through her bangs. I swear it was something straight out of a horror movie. And that provoked even more laughing.

That is all. I just wanted to share/remember some of the funny times I have with my mom. I swear that if she hadn't raised me I wouldn't have a sense of humor.

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