Monday, January 09, 2006

Explanation for whats to come.

Easier to write and just write. But there have been times lately that I feel as if I can't anymore. As if I'm too happy to write. But it may be a good time. To get something more positive out of it all. And to say I'm in love with the most perfect person in the entire world. To say that I want to spend the rest of my life with them. And then some. To explain and tell stories that make me laugh when I tell her. To just write it all out so that I can remember it all in detail and laugh with myself. While I'm alone. Thinking of more things to tell her. More things to talk about, or explain. Writing should not have lost its quench as it had before. I want to write more now. And then of course there are all the things to whine about. Like all the stupid boys...always stupid boys. But I'm happy now, and there is nothing they can do to change that.

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